I also love photographing weddings.
 Photographing the bride on her happiest day and documenting every detail is such a honor to be a part of. Giving of my talent is what makes my life beautiful! My clients have blessed my life and it is so fun working with such amazing people. 

Photography is my Passion. It all started when my son was born. I couldn't wait to documented all his precious moments. I loved it so much I ended up starting my own photography business. My passion was to give people memories that would last a lifetime and for generations. 

so glad you are here!

Hi My name is Laurie, a photographer, mother and seeker of beautiful moments.

Welcome Friend!

I am happiest while exploring the world and photographing all the beautiful moments. Also, traveling with my family and making memories Is what I treasure the most. Even if it is just walking along the beach and collecting all the unique sea shells. I also enjoy snorkeling, paddle boarding and kayaking. I love the Florida gulf and I spend hours swimming in the deep blue sea.

traveling makes me oh-so-happy

Mornings come too soon for me because sometimes I am a night owl!

if I start editing photos late at night the next thing I know it will be 2 or 3am!

My routine always involves juicing! Yum!!!

I'm all about my morning routine

With two boys and one daughter I am never looking for things to do!
They keep me busy but I love them oh so very much!
Talent abounds in our house so we are always on the go!!!

my Three kids are my world

Rosie is my most spoiled child! She eats better than most people in this world and I love cooking organic wholesome healthy food for her!

She is so smart and such a kick in the pants to play with.

My dog Rosie is my favorite furry kid






Let's Get Personal

fun Facts About Me!

Fun facts

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I love capturing moments that are real and raw and beautiful and I love helping you select the perfect heirloom wall pieces to remember them with!

My Philosophy